It appears that anything natural is harmful to your health. However, if you question the reasoning behind this, it becomes evident that there is no benefit to it. This controversial statement is based on the impending declaration by both the European Chemical Agency and the US FDA that two widely used natural home remedies, which have been used for centuries, are unfit, illegal, or dangerous for health and wellness.

The ECHA has been discussing the classification of lavender essential oil as a skin sensitizer since 2014. Lavender oil is mainly used as a fragrance and has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as the ability to kill the Giardia parasite which causes diarrhea and nausea. The key components of lavender oil include linalool and linalyl acetate. The objective is to create a toxic-free environment through the regulation of hazardous chemicals and the promotion of sustainable alternatives. Essential oils may be labeled as endocrine disruptors, which can alter the normal hormonal patterns of the body, though the extent of disruption is unclear. Surely a drop of lavender oil in your daily bath will not be of that effect.
What will be affected is the 70% of French Lavender production being jeopardized as the adjustment of the labels will be at the cost of the small farmers bringing it to the market. Most natural lavender oil will most likely be replaced by chemically produced lavender oil instead.
A similar situation is occurring with homeopathic remedies in the United States, as the FDA is preparing to declare them unfit and illegal despite their positive impact on human wellness. This decision ignores the fact that many people have found relief from emotional and mental symptoms, such as PTSD and long-standing grief issues, through the use of homeopathic remedies.
This decision is made despite the fact that, over the course of hundreds of years of use, side effects are rarely seen. This was demonstrated in a large-scale homeoprophylaxis study conducted by Isaac Golden ND, PhD, and published in a peer-reviewed journal in 2019. The study involved over 91 million patients in three countries and found that they were able to prevent eight potentially fatal infectious illnesses using only homeopathic remedies. The overall effectiveness was approximately 90%, and there were only 2% mild, short-duration adverse reactions to the homeopathy, with NO deaths resulting from the use of homeopathic remedies. The research can be found at this following link.
A similar issue can be seen with the consumption of eggs, which have only recently been shown to be capable of dissolving certain elements of the dominant illnesses of the past three years. For years, it was warned against consuming too many eggs due to concerns about high cholesterol and diabetes, but this has been repeatedly contradicted by studies.
Homeopathy is a holistic approach that considers the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of a person’s health. It is believed to be safe and effective, with minimal side effects. Despite criticism from some quarters, homeopathy has been embraced by millions of people worldwide and continues to be an important form of complementary and alternative medicine.
And as time goes by the list gets bigger, many of our natural remedies, our food; is not it our right to decide for ourselves? As with everything, the use of common sense and discernment is the ultimate key to an optimum homeostasis.
Excellent article, and yet again we find ourselves in a battle with pharmaceutical companies.
How can we wake people up to what is happening and try and stop any more attacks on alternative treatments.