As we move into Autumn, we see the colours of the leaves turning a beautiful golden brown. Splashes of scarlet, red and auburn light up the landscape. Conkers and beech nuts are starting to fall, a sure sign that nature is releasing her gifts in preparation for a cold Winter.
The change in temperature – however erratic these days – kickstarts the human body to cleanse itself of microorganisms, parasites and viruses. After all, when our bodies produce phlegm, it dispels the havoc-creating creatures through sneezes and runny noses. Higher body temperatures break down the acidic environment that micro-organisms love to live and thrive in.
The first step of a thorough detox is to recognize that the symptoms associated with a disbalance in the body (loss of homeostasis) can be caused by a microorganism.
This following image (from Dr Jocker’s website on parasitic overgrowth) shows all the symptoms which we often discard as inevitable signs of getting older. We assume these symptoms are just part of our everyday lives and that nothing can really be done to alleviate them.

Arthritis, for example, is one such condition attributed to a ‘malfunctioning immune system’. However, research has demonstrated that arthritis can be caused by up to 32 different parasites causing inflammation of joints resulting in debilitating pain.
Conventional medicine maintains the view that this condition is simply an inconvenience caused by a malfunctioning immune system and continues to prescribe drugs which severely impact the quality of life for over 10 million UK citizens and over 20% of the working US population.
Within the human body, the spleen, which activates the filtering system of the body, is paramount to ensure parasites, yeast, viruses and bacteria are kept at bay. Unfortunately, most people are not even aware of where their spleen is, what its function is, or how to maintain it.
Unclogging and activating the spleen is one of the main protocols used by Therapists when delivering Theragem Fusion Light Therapy. Time after time, our therapists describe how the pallor of a client changes while receiving Theragem Therapy. The skin, flooded with clean, filtered blood begins to glow, the eyes begin to shine and sparkle and pain levels are significantly decreased. The importance of spleen health cannot be understated: a healthy filtering system leads to a healthy body.
For many people, Springtime is traditionally the time of cleaning and clearing out, but in these thoroughly challenging times – with vaccines being pushed and the disturbing effects noticed by both unvaccinated and vaccinated people – the ‘spring clean’ is now a vital element to maintain and remain healthy permanently.
Herbs, essential oils, Traditional Chinese Medicine, even (sea) salt baths and clearing, are an integral part of health maintenance that can safely replace the much praised ‘horse paste’ ivermectin. Add to this the use of non-invasive technology to support and heal the body naturally without the risk of herxheimer effects caused by conventional medications. Effective protocols have been put together using the ancient remedies of frequencies, precious gems, crystals and metals. Another way is to encode herbs, oils, brandy or water to optimize your body’s immune system.
We highly recommend that you treat yourself and your clients to an Autumn detox. Every season should be enjoyed and with a clean and clear immune system, the cold months can be spent enjoying the beauty that cooler temperatures bring and not the aches, pains and problems we so often associate with Winter.

For more tips on natural healing this Winter, why not join our friends of Theragem group on Telegram? This is a place for therapists and users of Theragem Technology to discuss positive topics on the amazing effects of Theragem as well as Tachyon Healing. If you would like to join us, please get in touch with us and we’ll add you to our group.
So so true, wonderful words, we should all be shining brightly through Autumn and Winter, just as brightly as in Spring and Summer.
Excellent article. Thanks for sharing.
The described detox and the spleen protocols mirror our experience of using the Theragem. Everyone is astounded at how well I am doing in particular with a “Terminal” diagnosis of cancer where tumours have significantly reduced over 2 months (not expected) no hair loss and no major side effects of chemo.
I have no doubt that the detox and spleen boosting have been instrumental in the current positive trend in my recovery.
Hoi Kester,
Wonderful to hear! We love getting this kind of ppsoitive feedback. Hope you are feeling better and better 🙂