The Assemblage Point is the very centre of the human electromagnetic field, the point at which a vortex emerges and where life force energy is able to enter the electromagnetic body.
Normally located on the breast bone, the exact location and angle of entry has a direct effect on a person’s energy and is linked to activity in the body’s organs and glands, including the brain. For this reason, the behaviour, feelings and health of every person on Earth are directly affected by the Assemblage Point.

Currently, this incredibly important discovery has only been taken into account within the field of energy medicine, even though ancient Mayan, Hebrew, Vedic and Native American traditions used it as a key part of diagnosis and treatment of a patient.
The Assemblage Point has been called the missing link to resolving emotional, physical, spiritual and mental health problems, and this partly explains why so many people continue to suffer without a solution for their painful or debilitating symptoms. The fact remains that not taking it into consideration means that, often, a meaningful result cannot be obtained.
In 1996 four detailed articles about the Assemblage Point were published in Positive Health magazine. In August 2000 Dr Angela Blaen became the first person ever to have the existence of her Assemblage Point verified and measured scientifically. She, in turn, established The Assemblage Point Centre in Devon, which gives information about the Assemblage Point and offers training in manipulating it the traditional way using a large crystal and the Shaman’s Blow – a hard hit on the patient’s back. Dr Blaen uses Theragem in her busy practice and Assemblage Point specific training courses, and features Theragem in her book ‘From Intention to Technology’.
Medica Health International Ltd. offer fantastic hands on training experience, for those who purchase our Theragem equipment. The trainings consist of a basic and an advanced, to cater to those learning from the bottom to the medical professionals at the top. This training is a mixture of theory and practice and is an accredited course for CPD trainers.
Causes of offset Assemblage Point position
There are many reasons why a patient’s AP may be out of position. Shock and trauma, divorce and bereavement, drugs or alcohol addiction, infection, surgical operations, childbirth, accidents, illness, violence and intimidation, rape, hunger and thirst can all cause it to either drop or lift out of its normal position. Patients may have an idea that they experienced some kind of change inside followinone of these events, but be unable to bring about a return to their former selves via self-reasoning, pills, potions or therapy.
Many people in today’s society have an AP that is slightly to the right. The left brain processes logical thought, as opposed to creative processes in the right brain. People with busy lifestyles, using a lot of physical and mental energy, would have an active left brain, and this would move their AP to the right.

Health maintenance and the Assemblage Point
Due to the unexpected nature of life, anyone’s Assemblage Point can become offset at any time. Theragem treatments can be used to provide regular Assemblage Point assessment and correction as part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Recent research by the Light Clinic in Taiwan has shown that the majority of people show long term major improvements on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Ongoing case studies are showing that the whole endocrine system has a staggering fifty percent better balance compared with before using HeartQuest – heart rate variability.
Appearance or feel of the Assemblage Point
The AP is a part of the energy body, or aura, around the physical body. It travels through from a point normally around the chest to the back. It may be felt or seen by some people as energy lines concentrating into one point of the body. It may look like a bright area of energy and usually has a diameter of 1 cm where it meets the body. Some clients may experience tenderness on the skin at the point where the AP enters the body, and if you touch this point quite firmly, the client may feel it through to its continuation point on their back.
Sports Team Benefits
Sports people or teams, business people or anyone who wants to give themselves the best chance of success in any area of life can benefit from Theragem treatments and Assemblage Point correction. It can be an important part of professional or personal development, assisting a range of mental and physical abilities, including assertiveness, sociability, hearing, posture, etc.
Team work whether sport or in business, will benefit hugely from Assemblage Point Reconnection with Theragem Fusion Light therapy settings, as all participants will move on the same electromagnetic level in harmony.
Nothing can dim the light that shines from within
Maya Angelou