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Validating Theragem Efficacy in Clinical Practice
Quote from the first article of Dr. Kessler and Dr. Becchetti in their clinical experience using Theragem on an ongoing basis:
“After doing the Theragem treatment using Diamond and Carnelian on the Assemblage Point on several patients, it lined up all the averages. This equates to better regulation and, from an energetic system, aligns the chakras since they also affect these glands. This treatment also improved HRV. It’s really nice to have certainty that the modality you are using truly does what the manufacture says it does….“
Theragem treats a diabetic ulcer in 20 sessions
In the case of a 75 year old man with an ulcer on the foot, and a history of diabetes mellitus II, healing would ordinarily take up to two months. Theragem treated the ailment with basic procedures in 20 sessions. You can find the patient’s video testimonial on our YouTube channel.
Below you can download a letter of recommendation from the patient’s General Practitioner who championed Theragem Fusion Light therapy as being instrumental to the healing process.
Shingles symptoms gone within two weeks
Dr. Sondra Bechetti tells about her experience of using Theragem to treat shingles. All symptoms disappeared completely within two weeks after the patient received daily sessions with Elation, Spleen and localized Emerald on Calming.