A selection of articles relating to treatment with Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields.
Boerner (2003) Magnetostimulation in Pain Medicine
Acta Bio-Optica et Informatica Medica Vol 9, pp.131-135
Physical management in terms of analgesic action is used by means of several mechanical and physical methods. Slow alternating magnetic field magnetostimulation with very low magnetic induction is one of very interesting methods. Advantageous biological effects of these magnetic fields acting on live organism, broaden its use in physiotherapy and caused its use in pain medicine. In the publications there are shown the results of investigation indicating increase of blood flow and decrease of muscle tension during the magnetostimulation. These effects caused usage of magnetostimulation for managing the pain syndromes common in the course of many nervous, bone-and-joint, blood and metabolic diseases.
Occurrence of the special resonance frequencies connected with the acting of alternating magnetic fields on biological objects, is a background of the ionic cyclotron resonance theory. Polish scientists, authors of this method, conducted comprehensive biotechnical and clinical analysis of the original Viofor JPS device in which one can use electrodynamic effect of alternating magnetic field on body ions currents, ionic cyclotron resonance of cations and anions of the body fluids and magnetomechanic action of magnetic fields on particles with non-compensated magnetic spins.
Because of these effects it come to changes in distribution of ions in intra- and extracellular compartments and differentiations of quiescent potentials. These cause advantageous increase of ion transport in cellular membranes and organellas. 5 years’ experience of the authors with managing the chronic pain patients with Viofor JPS device, was presented in short review of acquired analgesic effects, emphasising algesiologic action of magnetostimulation.
Boerner (2003) Use Of Variable Magnetic Field Of Low Frequency In Degenerative Knee Joint Disease
Acta Bio-Optica et Informatica Medica, Vol 9. 2003 pp. 131-135
The work deals with application of magnetotherapy for treatment of degenerative disease of knee joint. It was statistically proved that this kind of treatment is beneficial for lowering of pain level, increases the locomotory ability and decreases the swollen tissue.
Bray (2005) Report on the Use of Magnetic Stimulation Beds in Substance Use Rehabilitation
Skipton Drugs and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre
The UK government-funded Skipton (Yorkshire, UK) Drugs and alcohol rehabilitation centre, run by Malcolm Bray, is one of the most successful units in the country. They started using low induction electromagnetic stimulation therapy back in 2004 and use it to this day as a vital part of their everyday therapy for assisting in the rehabilitation of people with drug and alcohol dependencies.
Malcolm Bray is currently writing a paper on his findings based on a three year usage in the centre. This report will be submitted to the relevant national bodies for evaluation with a view of expanding this effective form of therapy across the UK
Below you will find Malcolm Bray’s report based on the first 12 months of usage in the centre. This again shows clearly that it has been used successfully in a government-funded unit and that it offers conclusive proof of the system offering benefits to people being treated for addictions.
Report on the use of Magnetic Stimulation Beds Within A Substance use Rehabilitation Agency
Malcolm Bray
CODA (Craven Organisation for Drugs and Alcohol)
June 2005
[Malcolm Bray has been working in the drugs field since 1977 and has worked with both residential rehabilitation and street agencies during that time. He holds a diploma in counselling and has a Master Practitioner certificate in NLP. He also gained a qualification in Social Work in 1983.]
We have now been using this form of therapy for almost one year within the Substance Use Rehabilitation Agency that I work for. The Magnetic Stimulation beds have been used to assist our work in a number of ways:
Service users have said that withdrawal symptoms have been greatly or completely removed after a treatment with the bed. This agency has used the bed successfully for opiate users, alcohol users, individuals with benzodiazepine problems and for those people with issues relating to stimulant drugs. We have seen the bed work really effectively in addressing the pain that some individuals have experienced from Deep Vein Thrombosis.
As you will know, withdrawal and abstinence often unmask symptoms of depression and anxiety and the Viofor bed acts to enable the individual to change their emotional state without reliance on prescription drugs and with none of the unpleasant side effects that these drugs cause.
Individuals often have trouble sleeping and we have found that the bed is of immense use in helping induce sleep for service users and again it is a real and positive alternative to habit forming tranquillisers.
Service users have commented on the analgesic qualities of the magnetic stimulation bed after undergoing therapy.
Many service users have talked to us about the unpleasant emotional states they find themselves in either as a result of their history, or as an effect of their ongoing drug use. For all of us in the rehabilitation field, the answer does not lie completely with the development of better or more efficient drugs – cures do not exclusively come out of bottles. One view, when looking at emotions, suggests that they are – at least to some extent – the result of neurochemistry and elaborate electrical activities and pathways of the brain.
One way of getting service users to gain some control over their lives is to alter that chemical composition and re-orient that circuitry. The Viofor bed has helped achieve this by offering a viable and effective alternative to the use of prescribed drugs.The magnetic stimulating qualities of the bed have proved a strong adjunct to the counseling and psychotherapy approaches used at this agency in aiding the development of coping skills and in dealing with difficult emotions.
All in all, I feel that this one year experiment with magnetic stimulation equipment has been an extremely useful therapy that this agency will continue to use.
Fini (2005) Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Articular Hyaline Cartilage: Review of Experimental and Clinical Studies
Osteoarthritis Cartilage 13(7) pp. 575-81
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common disorder of the musculoskeletal system and is a consequence of mechanical and biological events that destabilize tissue homeostasis in articular joints. Controlling chondrocyte death and apoptosis, function, response to anabolic and catabolic stimuli, matrix synthesis or degradation and inflammation is the most important target of potential chondroprotective treatment, aimed to retard or stabilize the progression of OA.
Although many drugs or substances have been recently introduced for the treatment of OA, the majority of them relieve pain and increase function, but do not modify the complex pathological processes that occur in these tissues. Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) have a number of well-documented physiological effects on cells and tissues including the upregulation of gene expression of members of the transforming growth factor beta super family, the increase in glycosaminoglycan levels, and an anti-inflammatory action. Therefore, there is a strong rationale supporting the in vivo use of biophysical stimulation with PEMFs for the treatment of OA.
In the present paper some recent experimental in vitro and in vivo data on the effect of PEMFs on articular cartilage were reviewed. These data strongly support the clinical use of PEMFs in OA patients.
Kumar et al (2005) Optimization Of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy For Management Of Arthritis In Rats
Bioelectromagnetics 26(6), pp. 431-9
Studies were undertaken to find out the effects of low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) in adjuvant induced arthritis (AIA) in rats, a widely used model for screening potential therapies for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). AIA was induced by an intradermal injection of a suspension of heat killed Mycobacterium tuberculosis (500 mug/0.1 ml) into the right hind paw of male Wistar rats. This resulted in swelling, loss of body weight, increase in paw volume as well as the activity of lysosomal enzymes viz., acid phosphatase, cathepsin D, and beta-glucuronidase and significant radiological and histological changes. PEMF therapy for arthritis involved optimization of three significant factors, viz., frequency, intensity, and duration; and the waveform used is sinusoidal. The use of factorial design in lieu of conventional method resulted in the development of an ideal combination of these factors. PEMF was applied using a Fransleau-Braunbeck coil system.
A magnetic field of 5 Hz x 4 muT x 90 min was found to be optimal in lowering the paw edema volume and decreasing the activity of lysosomal enzymes. Soft tissue swelling was shown to be reduced as evidenced by radiology. Histological studies confirmed reduction in inflammatory cells infiltration, hyperplasia, and hypertrophy of cells lining synovial membrane. PEMF was also shown to have a membrane stabilizing action by significantly inhibiting the rate of release of beta-glucuronidase from lysosomal rich and sub-cellular fractions. The results indicated that PEMF could be developed as a potential therapy in the treatment of arthritis in humans.
Shupak et al (2006) Exposure to A Specific Pulsed Low-Frequency Magnetic Field: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study of Effects in Pain Ratings in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Patients
Pain Research and Management 11(2), pp. 85-90
Specific pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) have been shown to induce analgesia (antinociception) in snails, rodents and healthy human volunteers.
The effect of specific PEMF exposure on pain and anxiety ratings was investigated in two patient populations. DESIGN: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled parallel design was used.
The present study investigated the effects of an acute 30 min magnetic field exposure (less than or equal to 400 microTpk; less than 3 kHz) on pain (McGill Pain Questionnaire [MPQ], visual analogue scale [VAS]) and anxiety (VAS) ratings in female rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (n=13; mean age 52 years) and fibromyalgia (FM) patients (n=18; mean age 51 years) who received either the PEMF or sham exposure treatment.
A repeated measures analysis revealed a significant pre-post-testing by condition interaction for the MPQ Pain Rating Index total for the RA patients, F(1,11)=5.09, P<0.05, estimate of effect size = 0.32, power = 0.54. A significant pre-post-effect for the same variable was present for the FM patients, F(1,15)=16.2, P<0.01, estimate of effect size = 0.52, power =0.96. Similar findings were found for MPQ subcomponents and the VAS (pain). There was no significant reduction in VAS anxiety ratings pre- to post-exposure for either the RA or FM patients.
These findings provide some initial support for the use of PEMF exposure in reducing pain in chronic pain populations and warrants continued investigation into the use of PEMF exposure for short-term pain relief.
Sieroń (2004) Estimation of Clinical Efficacy of Magnetic & Light Therapy: Device for Magnetostimulation Connected with Light Energy in the Treatment of Degenerative and Inflammatory Diseases of Joints.
Balneologia Polska XLVI, pp. 42-58
The aim of this study was to estimate a clinical efficacy of Magnetic & Light Therapy – device for magnetostimulation connected with light energy used as monotherapy in the treatment of patients suffering from degenerative and inflammatory diseases of joints, and the comparison of different magnetic-light applicators using red (wavelength: 840-860mm) and infrared (wavelength: 625-635mm) light generated by diodes LED in the treatment of particular diseases. In this trial 32 patients of both sex with pain syndromes in the course of coxarthrosis (16 patients), gonarthritis (8 patients) and rheumatoid arthritis of carpometacarpal articulation of thumb (8 patients) were treated.
In the therapy elliptic magnetic-light applicators were used generating variable magnetic field with saw-like shape of impulse and mean induction value of 53,4 μT as well as light with energy density of 8,18 and 1,64 J/cm2, respectively. The therapeutic cycle consisted of 10 daily exposures lasting 12 minutes each (program – P2, mode of application – M2, intensity – 6). As a result of performed procedures in all diseases a distinct reduction of pain intensity estimated by means of Husskinson’s visual-analog scale VAS persisting in case of superficially located joints also in 5th day after the end of exposure cycle was observed. The strongest and the most persistent analgesic effect was obtained using magnetic-light applicators generating infrared light, especially in case of gonarthritis and arthritis of carpometacarpal articulation of thumb
Sieroń (2004) Estimation Of Therapeutic Efficacy And Tolerance of Magnetostimulation in the Treatment of Children With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.
Balneologia Polska, vol XLVI, 2004, pp. 86-9
The aim the study was to estimate therapeutic efficacy of magnetostimulation with routine big flat applicator and additional elliptic applicators for local use in the treatment of children suffering from juvenile idiopathic arthritis. 33 children aged 4 to 18 years with various course of a disease and location of inflammatory process in single or numerous joints were treated.
As a results of a cycle of 14 everyday exposures (programme: P3, mode of application M2, time of single exposure: 12 minutes daily, intensity of field increasing in succeeding days from 0,5 to 7) a significant clinical improvement was obtained in 96.9% of patients, particularly in form of decrease in pain intensity during motion of affected joints (84.3% of patients), improvement of mobility of all joints (76.8% of patients), reduction of dimension of joint oedema (46.6% of patients) and normalization of temperature in periarticular tissues (68% of patients). Decrease in subjective pain sensation in affected joints estimated in Huskisson’s visual-analog scale VAS of 59.6-89.5%, and shortening of morning stiffness duration of 50-84% was observed, depending on the form of the disease.
The best results were obtained in patients with location of inflammatory process in single joints, especially in case of subacute and acute course of a disease. On the basis of obtained results it was concluded that magnetostimulation with use of Viofor JPS System could make a valuable, assisting method in the treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis, due to high therapeutic efficacy, functionality of particular applicators and good tolerance of exposures by patients.
Sieroń et al (2001) Analysis of the Therapeutic Efficacy of Magnetostimulation in Selected Diseases.
Acta Bio-Optica et Informatica Medica 7, pp. 1-8
The authors analysed anonymous inquiries filled by patients after having completed magnetostimulation characterized with maximal magnetic field induction up to 45µT. The analysed group consisted of 69% patients with disorders of movement system, 25% patients with neurological disorders and per 1% of patients with neurosis, insomnia, night urination, asthma, skin allergies and paranasal sinusitis. Improvement or retreat of complaints was noted by 89-100% of patients with disorders of movement system (particularly in subgroup with osteoarthritis) and by 90-99% of patients with neurological disease (particularly in subgroup with parkinosnian syndromes). The main evidence of improvement was the diminution or retreat of pain and improvement of range of movements in painful joints and paretic limbs.
The study of over 3,000 patients covered a variety of diseases. Those relating to arthritis, (1,296 patients) are presented in the excerpt below:
“Subjective evaluation of the efficacy of the treatment by the patients completing questionnaires suffering from movement impairments after conclusion of magnetostimulation treatment.”
Sutbeyaz (2005) The Effect of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields in the Treatment of Cervical Osteoarthritis: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Sham-Controlled Trial
Rheumatology International 26(4), pp. 320-4
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) on pain, range of motion (ROM) and functional status in patients with cervical osteoarthritis (COA). Thirty-four patients with COA were included in a randomized, double-blind study.
PEMF was administrated to the whole body using a mat 1.8 x 0.6 m in size. During the treatment, the patients lay on the mat for 30 min per session, twice a day for 3 weeks. Pain levels in the PEMF group decreased significantly after therapy (p<0.001), but no change was observed in the placebo group. The active ROM, paravertebral muscle spasm and neck pain and disability scale (NPDS) scores improved significantly after PEMF therapy (p<0.001) but no change was observed in the sham group.
The results of this study are promising, in that PEMF treatment may offer a potential therapeutic adjunct to current COA therapies in the future.
Thamsborg (2005) Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis with Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study
Osteoarthritis Cartilage 13(7) pp. 575-81
The anonymous questionnaires which had been filled in by patients were analysed after the end of the magnetostimulation applied with Viofor JPS. The applicator in form of a mattress with maximum induction 45uT was used.
In the analysed group of 1742 patients, 5% pf patients suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, 16% from central nervous system illnesses, 9% from injuries, 1.5% from allergies, 2% from infections, 5.4% from vessel illnesses, 1% from skin illnesses. 0.5% of the patients used monotherapy. 8% suffered from radicular symptoms, 30.7% from pseudoradicular symptoms, 17.4% from arthrosis, and 3.4% patients suffered from migraines and headaches.
The complete abatement of complaints or the improvement was noted in 95.5% of patients, no improvement in 4.3% and 0.2% of patients became worse – 82% of deterioration patients were the ones that suffered from infections. The strongest analgesic action and the most frequent abatement were noted in patients after injuries and patients with headaches.
Woldanska-Olonska (2004) Evaluation of Magnetostimulation Effectiveness in Physiotherapy
Wiad Lek 57(1-2), pp. 44-50
The anonymous questionnaires which had been filled in by patients were analysed after the end of the magnetostimulation applied with Viofor JPS. The applicator in form of a mattress with maximum induction 45uT was used.
In the analysed group of 1742 patients, 5% pf patients suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, 16% from central nervous system illnesses, 9% from injuries, 1.5% from allergies, 2% from infections, 5.4% from vessel illnesses, 1% from skin illnesses. 0.5% of the patients used monotherapy. 8% suffered from radicular symptoms, 30.7% from pseudoradicular symptoms, 17.4% from arthrosis, and 3.4% patients suffered from migraines and headaches.
The complete abatement of complaints or the improvement was noted in 95.5% of patients, no improvement in 4.3% and 0.2% of patients became worse – 82% of deterioration patients were the ones that suffered from infections. The strongest analgesic action and the most frequent abatement were noted in patients after injuries and patients with headaches.
More EMF Research
Sandyk (1999) Impairment of depth perception in multiple sclerosis is improved by treatment with AC pulsed electromagnetic fields.
International Journal of Neuroscience 98(1-2), pp. 83-94
Sandyk (1999) Serotonergic neuronal sprouting as a potential mechanism of recovery in multiple sclerosis.
International Journal of Neuroscience 97(1-2), pp. 131-138
Sandyk (1998) Serotonergic neuronal atrophy with synaptic inactivation, not axonal degeneration, are the main hallmarks of multiple sclerosis. International Journal of Neuroscience 95(1-2) pp. 133-40
Sandyk (1998) Yawning and stretching–a behavioral syndrome associated with transcranial application of electromagnetic fields in multiple sclerosis.
International Journal of Neuroscience 95(1-2), pp. 107-113
Sandyk (1998) Treatment with AC pulsed electromagnetic fields normalizes the latency of the visual evoked response in a multiple sclerosis patient with optic atrophy.
International Journal of Neuroscience 93(3-4), pp. 239-250
Sandyk (1997) Treatment with electromagnetic fields improves dual-task performance (talking while walking) in multiple sclerosis.
International Journal of Neuroscience 92(1-2), pp. 95-102
Sandyk (1997) Therapeutic effects of alternating current pulsed electromagnetic fields in multiple sclerosis.
Complementary Medicine 3(4), pp. 365-86
Sandyk (1997) Role of the pineal gland in multiple sclerosis: a hypothesis.
Alternative and Complementary Medicine 3(3), pp. 267-90
Sandyk (1997) Treatment with electromagnetic fields reverses the long-term clinical course of a patient with chronic progressive multiple sclerosis.
International Journal of Neuroscience 90(3-4), pp. 177-185
Sandyk (1997) Resolution of sleep paralysis by weak electromagnetic fields in a patient with multiple sclerosis.
International Journal of Neuroscience 90(3-4), pp. 145-157
Sandyk (1997) Influence of the pineal gland on the expression of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: possible relationship to the aquisition of multiple sclerosis.
International Journal of Neuroscience 90(1-2), pp. 129-133
Sandyk (1997) Immediate recovery of cognitive functions and resolution of fatigue by treatment with weak electromagnetic fields in a patient with multiple sclerosis.
International Journal of Neuroscience 90(1-2), pp. 59-74