Although medical experts and modern scientists are just now starting to realise the benefits of Crystal Light Therapy, the human race actually knew the value of energy from the sun, colour and crystals thousands of years ago.
In fact, doctors, shaman and healers from almost every major culture in history used the power of healing crystals within their techniques, from the Mayans and Incas, to the Native Americans and East Indian Ayurvedics.

Even within these ancient cultures, the greatest minds realised the healing potential of precious and semi-precious gemstones. Traditionally, patients would lie down in the sun and crystals would be placed on their body, usually at midday when the Sun was at the highest point, allowing the sunlight the filter through. The colour, light and crystalline energy would then be directed deep into the tissues, organs and meridians of the body, stimulating the cells and healing any disease or imbalance.

Travelling forward to the 19th century, it was here that doctors began to use new technology to explore wavelengths further. Previously undiscovered rays of light and colour, such as ultraviolet, could now be used to heal diseases in the fields of dermatology, neurology and physiotherapy.
However it was Danish physician, Niels Ryberg Finsen, who truly brought light therapy into the modern age. Finsen created the first device to generate technically synthesized sunlight and achieved outstanding results in the treatment of patients suffering from a special type of skin tuberculosis, and in 1903 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his achievements with light therapy.

Light Therapy Today
In the present day, we are a lot more fortunate as modern science is now starting to appreciate and catch up with the benefits of spiritual healing in addition to conventional medicine.
- We know that sunlight helps the body to produce vitamin D and absorb calcium, as well as regulate our body clock, which is responsible for body rhythms such as heart rate, blood pressure, sleep, mood, menstrual cycles and energy levels.
- Skin conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis benefit from sunlight, and it can prevent heart disease, lower cholesterol levels, build strong bones and teeth and defeat depression.
- Light therapy is also used to address conditions such as seasonal affective disorder, a direct result of insufficient light; chronic and bipolar depression; and jaundice in newborn babies. In addition, NASA use light therapy to counteract the weightless environment in their astronauts.
A variety of light therapies have been developed to harness the rays of light and colour to correct imbalances, improve health and restore vitality. Ultraviolet light therapy, coloured light therapy, photodynamic therapy, photo medicine and photomodulation are just a few of the techniques used to address physical, mental, spiritual and emotional complaints.
Nature itself is the best physician