Water, our precious source of life, coming out of the tap after a long journey through miles of pipes and networks of metal and plastic lost its vibrant, clean taste and energy.
The freshness can now be restored as the Medica Health team is excited to introduce the Water Purifier, our first product in the OfficeGem Range, our new range of products with Theragem™ Technology for the home!
Using Theragem Technology (light, colour, electromagnetic frequencies, precious gems, crystals and minerals) to purify tap water to levels unseen before, non-invasively and no need to clean the gems and crystals ever as the Theragem Technology cleans them for you, every single use. Once you have tasted optimised fresh, silky, smooth water, there is nothing else you want to drink! The Water Purifier – restoring the power of flow, of truth, and your energy!
Our advanced system delivers a clean, energized water for enhanced health and wellbeing for the family, pets, and even for your plants and flowers. As Theragem Technology has shown to be empowering and enlightening the energy of physical structures, the same is done with your water.
Of course, you can use the Water Purifier unit to purify and enhance any other type of drink, dissolving any unwanted chemicals or toxins. Empowering water to enhance its original intent of flow of life.
Bring home the power of nature with Theragem to experience truly pure water, energizing and hydrating your body every single day.
Your waters purity will maintain itself for prolonged period of time, but you will love it so much that a glass of water will be finished before you know it!
Our Tip? Use together with the Living Water Vortexer for the purest freshest water that tastes the best!
Utilising Theragem has never been so easy as it is portable and USB-powered for use literally anywhere. Think your office, on a long car trip, or even for use on a plane.”
Our family has always used a water filter system and thought the improvement was significant. But after using the OfficeGem Water Purifier, the water reached a whole new level of purity—no smell, crisper taste, and even felt colder! We highly recommend trying it, even if you already use a filter.”
Having used the Living Water Vortexer, I didn’t think water could taste better. But the OfficeGem Purifier took it to another level. Every sip leaves me feeling refreshed, and my teeth even feel cleaner for longer!”