The other day while I was driving, the car radio tuned into Radio X Manchester 97.7. As I listened, I found myself thinking about how radios work. For a song to stream out of the speakers, the radio station must transmit a radio signal at exactly 97.7 MHz, while the car’s radio must be set to receive a signal at exactly 97.7 MHz. Any deviation and all you hear is static, nothing, or, perhaps, another station.
The human body functions in much the same way. In order for our bodies to be able to receive the energy, frequency and vibration needed for optimum homeostasis, our cells have to be ‘primed’ to receive it.
We recently discussed the co-resonance of water that enables water molecules to act as both radiator and receiver of frequencies (The Memory of Water & Quantum Science). Taking this a step further, Noble Prize laureate Luc Montagnier, among others, has demonstrated that water also possesses the property of quantum coherence domains, which essentially means water can “remember” the different sets of frequencies that it encounters during its journey to the present time. That is how the water in the test tube of the LSU doctoral candidate “knew” that it had traveled from Africa, across the Atlantic Ocean, onto an Appalachian hillside, and down streams and rivers to end up as part of a lab experiment.
As water comprises about 60% of our bodies, the properties of coresonance and coherence domains represent cornerstones in the foundation of quantum medicine. Ancient medical approaches have subliminally benefited from this for hundreds, if not thousands, of years: Traditional Chinese medicine with the concept of Qi energy and healing techniques such as acupuncture, distant healing and Qi Gong as well as Ayurvedic practitioners use of Chakra therapies are based on energy, frequency and vibration.
The Theragem Clinique device incorporates these core principles of quantum technology to deliver a stream of healing crystalline energy directly into the body. For instance, the use of Nine Gem Ayurvedic Gemcup transports a distinctly chosen frequency through nine different gems and crystals, essentially carrying their carbon signature into the physical area in which the Clinique unit is directed. Moreover, water molecules receive these signals, amplify and transmit them in a repetitive fashion instantaneously throughout the body via coresonance (vibration) and coherence domains (multiple sets of vibrations).

A client receiving focused, healing energy delivered directly into the body using the Theragem Clinique and Nine Gem Ayurvedic Gemcup. Acupuncture wand attachment is used for optimal effect.
Organs, tissue, cartilage, bones, blood, neurons and more, whose natural energy level (each are associated with a unique frequency and resonance) have been disturbed by trauma, stress, injury, pathologies or toxins, receive only those signals for which they are programmed, similar to our radio analogy. Diamond and Carnelian gems, for example, are infused with frequencies aligned with the cells in the spleen that act to energize that particular organ or re-balance its energy level if it has become imbalanced. Thus, energy, frequency and vibration “inform” the various biological processes at a molecular level (Allegretti, 2020, p. 184-188 [1])
While no formal experiment has been performed yet, a person sitting in the same room could experience the effects of a Nine Gem or Diamond and Carnelian Gemcup as well as the person receiving the therapy. In fact, when an Assemblage Point Reconnection is performed, those participants around the person receiving the treatment often say they actually feel what is happening to that person.
As we near our home with our headlights guiding the way, Coldplay’s Fix You fills the car. I envision tears streaming down someone’s face, wondering if a single droplet could offer some insight into the angst the performer has endured and wondering how to reach out to him or her with this knowledge in the back of my mind.

Quantum energy particles.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla
[1] Allegretti, Marcello. Therapeutic Waves: Electromagnetic Technologies from Diagnosis to Cancer Research. Independently published, 2020.
Well written. Well done! Wish more people were aware of these very important drivers of health and wellness.
Another good article.. hoping that Theragem Clinique can be widely distributed across the world to help eliminate life-threatening viruses.
Thank you. Theragem Light Therapy is currently available in many countries all over the world. If you are looking for a practitioner please contact our HQ in the UK!
Poderia me enviar o contato do HQ no Reino Unido. Tenho interesse em fazer contato.
Thank you! A member of our team will contact you directly.
I love how the human body sends as well as receives vibrations, frequencies. A great wonder of our earth!
Since babies are born comprised of about 75% water and water content diminishes thereafter, it would seem that the coresonance of water could partially explain decreasing energy level with age. But then would need to sort out energy level between men (leaner, higher % of water) vs women (lower % of water) and obese (higher % of water) and non-obese (lower % of water). Interesting, nonetheless.
We’re entering an era where a greater understanding of the basic principles of the Univerise are brought before us, much of this understanding came well before our age of technology, it came from a deeper sense of intuition by the sages of the times. I look at Thermagem as a manifestaton of greater healing principles coming into our awareness at time when a deeper awareness of real healing is essential for these times…
I thank our Wizardess Catharina who wrote this as its done exceptionally well…..