With the upcoming elections in the English-speaking world, particularly in the UK and USA, the most debated issue is how to register votes: signed paper ballots or electronic voting. The past has shown that both methods have been tampered with and their outcomes hotly contested.
There is an argument in favour of written signed paper ballots, an idea not often expressed. Paper, made from trees, is a compression of a once-living being that harnessed the essence of life by absorbing sunlight and water, releasing essential components to all that surrounded it, and providing shelter for creatures big and small. Trees remain true to themselves in this sense and provide us with a direction for life as well.

Consider a rare hot day with the sun shining bright, when many sought cooling in parks under tall trees with almost fluorescent green branches and leaves. The image of a large veined network of leaves and smaller branches is similar to our body’s veins and nervous system.

For a long time, we have not openly discussed the range of precious gems, crystals, and minerals used in Theragem equipment. The energetic properties of crystals in various shapes and forms have been suppressed for ages. Crystals are used in manufacturing hard drives, computers, and processing information for extremely long and difficult calculations, as well as in the mobile phone or PC you are reading this post on. Your car, television, and essentially anything electric use crystals. Crystals are everywhere.
It seems the only way we can discuss gems, crystals, and minerals is if they please our eyes and cost a lot of money. But the fact that each gem, made of carbon minerals, emits electromagnetic frequencies specific to each gem, crystal, or mineral is long overlooked and suppressed.
All of this is dismissed as “woo-woo” while the pharmaceutical industry uses synthetic compounds of herbs and plants. Yet, the science industry uses synthetic diamonds to teleport information from one location to another, acknowledging that there is much more to the use of crystals than is currently conveyed, and possibly actively suppressed.
Even in the 16th century, King James I, famous for translating the Bible, was an avid collector of gems and crystals of all sizes and shapes. Ultimately, he sought a gem that would help him create the Elixir of Life. There must have been something very special about gems that herbs or minerals (gold or silver) could not achieve on their own.
Let us consider some famous places with this perspective in mind. Table Mountain in South Africa: have you ever thought it looks like a tree cut off, so flat and sharply defined? Numerous locations, often hard to reach, such as one in Nicaragua, look like that. Others, like Devil’s Tower in the USA, look like a tree that snapped in two.

These locations show petrification processes. If these were trees that have been petrified, or undergone a fast process of petrification, how would each part of the tree be affected? What would happen to the roots containing liquid essences of nutrition going up the tree? Along with the tree freezing, these essences would freeze or petrify as well, showing different characteristics in clarity, colour, carbon structures, and even electromagnetic frequencies.

Calculations of the circumference and diagrams give an estimated height of 65 km to Table Mountain. Then, considering the circumference of a tree’s root system being equal to its branches and leaves, the petrified tree roots in the ground could be found as gems, crystals, and minerals, which are generally found in mountainous areas.
Trees and their roots petrified with minerals running through their veins make a lot of sense when combined with healing therapies like those offered by Theragem. One almost literally bathes in the life energy of ancient enormous trees and their nutrition.
Each gem, crystal, or mineral has its unique characteristic, enhancing and supplying your body’s state with pure life energy, a vibration so high it delivers a message of unification, returning to its reason for being. In other words, your body’s cells will reset to do what they do best: live! And those who understand this know it is all for one.
It starts to make sense why voting is best done on a piece of paper, as it is a statement of truth.
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