As our world becomes increasingly fast-paced and pressurized, unforeseen circumstances related to health and wealth have left many people suffering from the sudden onset of diseases. As a therapist, you likely feel that your ability to maintain peace and tranquillity for your clients can often be inadequate.

Therapeutic tools can be immensely helpful in restoring balance during times of upheaval and distress. However, what do we do when faced with situations where basic necessities like electricity are unavailable? Currently, Earth’s magnetic field is experiencing a significant decline of over 25 percent, and the magnetic pole is moving irreversibly towards Siberia, away from its previous position near the North pole. Scientifically, this alone can lead to various mental and emotional states for your clients, ranging from panic attacks to mood swings, making it challenging to achieve positive outcomes and solutions.
A few weeks ago, the Schumann Resonance, often referred to as the “heartbeat of the Earth,” exhibited an unusual pattern, generating much debate. This resonance has been compared to our DNA and ancient weaving techniques used in knitting and crochet. Though the cause of this phenomenon remains unknown, it has caused significant fluctuations and high amplitude “white spikes” in the Schumann Resonance, leading to feelings akin to purging and uncovering hidden, unresolved negative emotions from past experiences.
Clients may display various issues during therapy sessions due to these ongoing changes affecting their subconscious mind. As a practitioner, you have learned to maintain objectivity and silence, allowing clients to express these challenging moments. Many of you have observed the transformative effects of Theragem protocols, facilitating rapid change in clients.
Amidst these shifts in the subconscious mind, it becomes vital for therapists to make time for self-care and personal success. Techniques like the Silent Prayer, where one sits still in a chair with hands unfolded on the lap, balanced breathing, closed eyes, and attentive listening to surrounding sounds, can be incredibly powerful. Practicing this technique upon waking and before sleep allows one to naturally adopt an observer state. Formerly known as “The Golden Silence,” this technique is now especially essential, not only for healing but also to achieve fluidity and effective communication among the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind, and the Higher Self.

Developing this sense of trust and cooperation within oneself facilitates the process of dissolving clients’ disarray, be it physical, emotional, or mental. This is the approach used in the Assemblage Point process, creating a sacred space for dispelling negativity and instilling trust and light in its place, which is now more important than ever.
An example of a second-generation Theragem practitioner, Cyrus Wu in Vancouver, has combined Theragem and Acupuncture in her practice. She shared an inspiring video of using Emerald on her patient, showcasing the remarkable speed of healing. Thank you, Cyrus, for sharing this wonderful outcome!
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