Over the last week, we’ve had many enquiries about our new product, the Living Water Vortexér. People have asked what makes it so different to a regular water filter or distillery. Is the Vortexér just the same? Doesn’t it just filter the water? The short answer is no.
To demonstrate exactly how the Living Water Vortexér is unique, we need to understand how our everyday drinking water is delivered to our taps once it has been cleansed and processed by the utility companies.
In Paris, 2012, tap water was recycled more than 7 times before it left the system. In London, 2012, tap water was recycled more than 4 times.
The municipal water agencies openly admit that they cannot remove pharmaceutical and OTC drugs from our water, there is simply no procedure in place. In the UK last year, a local company was awarded a government contract to use graphene oxide in the water to ‘check the pipes’. There has been no indication as to when this potentially toxic compound will be removed from the water system, making it suitable for drinking.
As discussed in our previous blog post, water has the ability to be imprinted by and retain information. Water flows – in its natural habitat – downwards in a spiralling motion through mountains and streams, being filtered as it goes. Clean and natural flowing water has an absolute temperature of 4°C. Introducing chemicals into our water severely degrades its natural structure making it impossible for it to preserve its organic purity. Its original imprint is scrambled and corrupted during the chemical cleansing process.

Our water is collected and piped from various sources – open and closed reservoirs, above and underground, and forced under high pressure through a network of pipes composed of differing metals in various states of deterioration, following the outline of hooks, nooks and unnatural sharp angles until it finally arrives at the meter of your house. There it is forced through a similar pipe system until it reaches your tap. What happens next is your choice…
Replicating the natural swirling movement of water in pristine natural conditions, the Living Water Vortexér can effectively bring your water to a higher level of vibration, increasing its Bovis Value (life force) and making it more digestible and compatible with the human body.
It’s no secret that the healing, cleansing and life-giving properties of clean and pure water benefit us all. As organic beings we are drawn to Spas, holidays by the sea and purifying baths. Any avid gardener will tell you just how different the effect is on plants when they are watered with tap water or free-falling rain.
The Evidence
Here we have an image of unstructured water directly from the tap where you can clearly see the chlorine molecule. Then look at the next image of the Vortexér water which has been ‘Theragemmed’ with Ayurvedic Sapphire on a Balancing frequency.

You can clearly see the star formation. Now ask yourself which water do you want in your body? The ‘borg’ like structure of the chlorine? Or the Star formation of water in its true naturally optimum state delivering a healing resonance?
According to Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi, water is the only molecule that can turn around without turning around, proton tunnelling or jump conduction where it is transferring vibratory information with very little molecular movement. This can only happen when water is in a liquid crystalline state. Then it is capable of delivering frequencies at the SPEED of LIGHT!
Your body is comprised of 60% to 70% water, but each individual cell contains 99% light with the remainder being water and mineral elements. The Living Water Vortexer facilitates a positive effect on health by addressing one of the fundamental needs of the physical body.
Natural, free-flowing water carries within it the vibrations of the Earth and of the entire cosmos. It brings coherence and life force along with its capacity to regenerate and revitalise. By using the Living Water Vortexér, we are able to return our water to its natural state allowing it to bring balance and harmony back to the body and mind. The Vortexér isn’t a filter, it’s a tool for creating our own perfect medicine!

Now you too can have access to optimised structured water within 7 and a half minutes for almost every aspect of your family life: to drink, to cook with and to wash fruit and vegetables. Even your pets will notice the difference and drink this water. Your benefits? Open cell communication in an optimised immune system, full hydration, and a passion for the water you drink every day!

The Living Water Vortexér
Order Yours Today!